Frequently asked questions

Welcome to the Frequently asked questions (FAQ) page dedicated to FUNÉRAIRE PARIS trade exhibition.
We have compiled the most frequently asked questions here to help you better understand the event and get the most out of it.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by email at if you require any further information.
When will be held the next FUNÉRAIRE PARIS trade exhibition?

FUNÉRAIRE PARIS will take place from the 19th to the 21st of November 2025 at Paris Le Bourget Exhibition Center. Please consult the Hours & Access page for more details about dates, times and access.
Is the trade exhibition open to the general public?

No, FUNÉRAIRE PARIS is strictly reserved to funeral and marble professionals. 
Can people in training to work in the funeral industry or setting up their own business attend the trade exhibition?

Yes, you must send a certificate confirming your enrolment or business creation, along with your contact details and your application, to
How can I register to visit the trade exhibition?

To visit the trade exhibition, you must order a badge online on the dedicated page of our website and provide proof of your professional status by entering your company's number. A ticket office will also be available on site but you will also need to provide proof of your professional status. Online ticketing will reopen in June 2025.
Can I buy tickets on site during the event?

Yes, you can buy badges on site. However, you will also need to provide proof of your professional status. We strongly recommend that you register in advance on our website in order to benefit from a preferential rate and to guarantee your access.
Is wearing a badge mandatory, and can I print it on-site?

Yes, wearing a badge is mandatory to access the event. Printing stations will be available at the entrance to print your badge on-site. However, to ensure your comfort and avoid waiting in line, we recommend printing your badge in advance if possible.
Will there be a cloakroom?

Yes, a cloakroom will be available at the entrance of the hall with application of the Vigipirate rules.
Can we eat at the trade exhibition?

Yes, various catering facilities will be available and accessible.
Are dogs and other pets allowed inside the trade exhibition's hall ?

No, dogs and other pets are not allowed at FUNÉRAIRE PARIS, except for duly certified assistance dogs.
This measure is intended to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants and visitors. We thank you for respecting this rule during your visit to the trade exhibition.

Attend the trade exhibition in complete serenity

Wearing a badge is mandatory, remember to have it printed before you come to the exhibition.
We look forward to welcoming you at Funéraire Paris 2025.